NNO Party – Oct. 6, 2015

Once again neighbors on Pigeon Forge Drive and other Gatlinburg streets will celebrate National Night Out. Nothing fancy here: just residents meeting and learning how to prevent crime. This is the 4th year the block party has been co-hosted by Jollie Williams and Clay Leben.

Location: 807 Pigeon Forge (Lynn Cove)

We start at 6 pm so come after dinner for snacks, water melon, hot dogs, and ice tea, and goodies people bring.  Its nice to bring a portable chair and flash light. Often we have visitors from the Animal Shelter, Pflugerville Police, other City departments, and City Council who will answer questions. It gets dark about 8 but there is a street light on Lynn Cove. We invite you to drop in.

Flyer 2015 NNO Gatlinburg

2 thoughts on “NNO Party – Oct. 6, 2015”

  1. I Have a question, My Family is thinking about building a small guest room or guest house in the back yard. And we have already spoken with a contractor but he is requesting a contact phone number to ask if building it would be ok with HOA. Can some one direct me to the right person or organization or give me a contact phone number so either myself or the contractor can get more info. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

    1. You will need a building permit from the City of Pflugerville for any addition/construction to your house. If you don’t do this, you run a risk of being fined or forced to remove the structure. Fortunately, the City has expert, friendly staff who can answer all your questions.

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