Tracking Crime in Our Neighborhood

You may not hear about a crime unless a neighbor tells you. Otherwise you might think Gatlinburg doesn’t have a crime problem. BUT WE DO!

The Gatlinburg subdivision has nearly 500 households and police are called to investigate crimes every week. I know this because I get a daily email summary with a list and a map of Pflugerville.

crime listing
Note the Gatlinburg streets.





Pflugerville area crime reports
Blue Icon Marks Gatlinburg

 Would you like to see a crime report map for Pflugerville? Visit

What I like are the map icons for the type of crime showing about where it happened.  Icons like “theft,” “arrest,” “vandelism,” and “burglary” to name a few. However, one of the most common reports is the “other” type which doesn’t tell us much.

map icons for crime type
Web site map icons.

Actual street addresses are hidden so if you click on the map icon, you will only see Google’s street view near, but not at the crime’s address.

Enter your email address and  will send you daily updates with ads or product endorsements. Since its free to get this information the ads are minor inconvenience.

Neighborhood Watch

What can you do to prevent being a crime victim? Of course, you could install a burglar alarm or other devices, but why not join with your neighbors to form a Block Watch? A block watch group organizes to be alert for suspicious activity on the street by people not familiar to the neighborhood. Neighbors also meet several time a year to learn crime prevention methods from the police or educational material. Individuals can volunteer to join Citizens On Patrol and receive advanced safety training.

The Pflugerville Police Department will help you start your Block Watch. Phone Community Services Cpl. Dan Griffith at 670-5514 or email dgriffith [at]

Neighborhood Watch
The Neighborhood Watch Sign


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